Special Internet Offer (Expires 6pm).
Free Initial Consultation plus 10% off the implant procedure*.
Call 01539 739911 now to claim your special Implants package before this offer expires at 6:00pm.
You must quote the promotional code below to ensure you qualify for this offer.
Promotion Code to INT-786.
What are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is an artificial tooth implanted into the jaw bone. It is generally made of titanium and covered with a porcelain crown or a bridge to give the appearance of real teeth. Implants are very durable and will last many years. Dental implants can restore almost any smile even if natural teeth have been lost. The success rate for implants is remarkable: 98 percent for lower implants and 91 percent for upper implants.
Many people who consider implants have removable, conventional dentures for lower and upper jaws, or have removable bridges. These people experience a significant improvement in their ability to chew food comfortably after their dental implant treatment.
The Dental Implant Procedure
The implant team usually includes either a periodontist or an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who implants the posts into the patient’s mouth, and a prosthodontist who designs and fits the replacement teeth or permanent bridge. At the first appointment, we use an X-ray to determine if the jaw bone is adequate to hold the titanium posts. Models of the mouth are often made using a soft, pliable plastic compound. These models show where the gaps are located and provide measurements for a replacement tooth or a bridge. Treatment with dental implants is complicated and requires pain-taking planning for best results. Today the implants being placed often only require one surgical procedure using a local anesthetic and sedative.
Contact us today to set up an appointment with Sandes Avenue Dental Practice if your are considering dental implants.
Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss any aspect of your dental health – we don’t charge for giving advice!
*Must be quoted at the time of booking first appointment