Porcelain Veneers
Special Internet Offer (Expires 6pm):
Free Initial Consultation plus 10% off the full procedure*.
Call 01539 739911 now to claim your special Porcelain Veneers package before this offer expires at 6:00pm.
You must quote the promotional code below to ensure you qualify for this offer.
Promotion Code to INT-786.
What are Dental Veneers?
A dental veneer is a thin layer of synthetic material (porcelain or composite) that is placed over the tooth’s surface to improve the tooth’s attractiveness in terms of alignment, color or shape. A substantial aesthetic effect can be obtained with a veneer and minimal tooth preparation is required.
Applying Veneers
Veneers are applied to the teeth in 3 visits to the dentist:
Veneer Preparation
The teeth are prepared by removing 0.3 to 0.5 mm of enamel (the thickness of a fingernail) to allow room for the veneer layer. An impression of the teeth is taken and sent to the specialized dental laboratory that will create the veneers.
Veneer Try-In
The appearance and fit of the veneer is checked in your mouth to ensure that it meets with your approval. Further try-ins may be scheduled until the veneer looks right.
Veneer Bonding
Bonding permanently attaches the veneer to the tooth. After cleaning the tooth, the veneer is bonded to the tooth with a special dental cement. This cement is then hardened with a blue curing light.
*Must be quoted at the time of booking first appointment
Contact us to discuss any aspect of your dental health – our advice is free!